Frist of all, here some information about
1) Twitmytwat has over 175k uniques a day.
2) Twitmytwat is 100% blind link free. We send our traffic through toplists only which are either ranked by clicks or hits owed.
3) Twitmytwat gets a huge amount of Search Engine traffic daily. Go to google, then search for “TWAT”
4) Twitmytwat not only has alot of SE traffic, but we have a huge bookmark base.
If you want to trade with us, you must have a perm link on your site since we base everything on productivity. Also, you must have a quality site, no bullshit site that jerks surfers around.
Heres more information on how we send traffic:
- Every toplist without descriptions is based on hits owed. That means our script calculates how much traffic a trade is owed, then it lists the site according to other trades in the toplist. Once the trade has been repayed, your site will no longer appear on the toplists. But, once our system owed you more traffic, you will reappear again.
- Our toplist at the top of the page with descriptions is based on clicks. (not hits owed like the other toplists) You need to send more clicks in a 24 hour period then the last site listed there to reach the main page. Once you are there, you are always on if you continue to send enough clicks. (this toplist doesnt work like the rest of the sites toplist. As long as you send more then the last site on the toplist, you will always be listed.)
This toplist with descriptions is where you will get the most quality traffic. This toplist send out more then 20k a day alone which is a lot. Most of this traffic is either SE or bookmark traffic. I guarantee not only will this be very amazing productivity, most this traffic is valuable. You will make alot of money from this traffic, so its in your best interest to reach this toplist.
Take a look at our trades, all of our trades are very high quality trades. You will get very high quality traffic back, I promise you that.
If you are still interested, contact us on icq.
Happy Trading.